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Saturday, October 25, 2014

"When Did You See Her Last?" by Lemony Snicket

This week I read the second book in the All the Wrong Questions series; "When Did You See Her Last?" This book is about a boy (who is Lemony at age 13) who is doing work in a town called Stain'd by the Sea. This town used to be famous for producing ink, but not anymore, and it is barely inhabited now. A rich teenage girl named Cleo Knight goes missing in the beginning of the book, and Lemony and his journalist friend Moxie are hired to save them. But Lemony's chaperone S. Theodora Markson jumps to conclusions, and makes it all the more difficult for Lemony and Moxie to solve the case. They visit the library to do research on a man named Colonel Colophon, and Lemony runs off, following the villain Hangfire. He finds a character from the last book who had stolen a statue, and they become friends. The three, along with other young teenagers in the town have to solve the case of Cleo Knight. This book was very good. It is about 275 pages long. The other book is called "Who Could that be At This Hour?" and I would recommend reading that, and then "When Did You See Her Last?"

To Be Read
1. The Riverman-- Recommended by Julia
2. Shouldn't You Be in School (the 3rd book)
3. Where'd you Go Bernadette
4. Sparrow Road-- Recommended by Grace

Monday, October 20, 2014

The Green Glass Sea by Ellen Klages

The Green Glass Sea is a Historical Fiction book about a girl named Dewey who moves to Los Alamos because her father is helping create the secret Atomic Bomb. Dewey does not have friends in the beginning, but she is happy just to be with her father. But when her father has to go on a business trip to D.C,, Dewey moves in with a girl named Suze and her parents. From the start, Dewey is friends with Suze's Mom Terry, but Suze and Dewey don't get along. But when coincedences on the hill bring Suze and Dewey together, they start to realize just how much they have in common. This book has a lot to do with science. It was very well written, but the author switched from past to present tense constantly which was not poetic, but confusing. The book also did not seem to have a very good plot until the end. I would recommend this book if you are interested in science, but otherwise I woul not recommend the Green Glass Sea.

To Be Read
Thirteen Reasons Why- Reccomended by Sloan
Everlost- Reccomended by Sofie
Where'd you go Bernadette

Monday, October 13, 2014

Slaughterhouse Five, Kurt Vonnegut

Slaughterhouse Five goes into the story of Billy Pilgrim, a man in the war, who early in the book gets captured. The book says that Billy is "unstuck in time", so large portions of the book are written while Billy is time traveling, mainly while he is on the planet Tralfamadore, which he is abducted to after the war. Slaughterhouse Five is a very strange book, but it is also very good. There are multiple inappropriate parts, so if you read it be aware that it is not a very appropriate book. Also, the ending doesn't wrap the book up, or leave questions, like a reader would want it to. Otherwise, Slaughterhouse Five was a very good book!

To Be Read:
- Beholding Bee
- Outliers
- Hungry- Sofie Recommended this book

Monday, October 6, 2014

My Mother the Cheerleader, By Robert Sharenow, Historical Fiction
My Mother the Cheerleader is a short and appropriate book about a girl named Louise, who is at the same school as Ruby Holler, and African American girl who integrated an elementary school. My Mother the Cheerleader has a very good plot, but in my opinion the plot would be better without the integration going on, because it is not a large part of the story. I also think my Mother the Cheerleader would be better if it were much more descriptive, and in more detail. I don't reccomend this book, but people with different taste could like it.

To Be Read
1. House of Ivy and Sorrow (Hailey Recommended this)
2. Forgive Me Leonard Peacock
3. The Circle (Gavin Recommended This)