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Monday, October 13, 2014

Slaughterhouse Five, Kurt Vonnegut

Slaughterhouse Five goes into the story of Billy Pilgrim, a man in the war, who early in the book gets captured. The book says that Billy is "unstuck in time", so large portions of the book are written while Billy is time traveling, mainly while he is on the planet Tralfamadore, which he is abducted to after the war. Slaughterhouse Five is a very strange book, but it is also very good. There are multiple inappropriate parts, so if you read it be aware that it is not a very appropriate book. Also, the ending doesn't wrap the book up, or leave questions, like a reader would want it to. Otherwise, Slaughterhouse Five was a very good book!

To Be Read:
- Beholding Bee
- Outliers
- Hungry- Sofie Recommended this book


  1. I need to read this!!! Ugh. It's on my TBR

  2. From what you said, the name doesn't sound like what the book is about. Thanks for the recommendation!
