Where are you?

Monday, March 23, 2015

March 23: Slice of Life

I leap out of the car and race up the steps, my backpack slung over one shoulder, my jacket hanging over my arm, discarded because of the warmth. Up five more steps and I stand in front of the glass door to our house, waiting just a few moments before entering. As I walk in to the house and set my backpack down on the coffee table I feel like I am floating, ready for anything, just so happy. I give my Mom a quick hug, quickly discussing the contents of my day. Then I bolt up the carpeted stairs two at a time to my welcoming room. It is unusually hot and messy, but nevertheless it feels like home. I don't mind that I have tons of homework, or a sore throat not relieved by cough drops. I am thoroughly happy, and I never want this feeling to go away--never.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad your so happy! I like the ending to your slice. Nice :)
