Where are you?

Saturday, March 7, 2015

March 7th: Slice of Life

There are so many thoughts racing through my mind. Things to do, to remember, to not do.
a-- where is everyone. am I alone in the house. If I am, shouldn't I know? did my mom leave. I needed her to email me that document. maybe she is still here...
b-- today I have finished one week of slice of life-ing every day. I have so much more to go...
c-- I need to do that thing for math. Grrr...math. So much to do, so little time!!!
d-- the phone is ringing. maybe I should answer it. should I? I should...
e-- it wasn't anyone important. back to work.
back to a-- seriously, am I alone. where is everybody? what is going on...
f-- it is freezing in here. why is it so cold? is my window open. oh no, I think my window is open!!!!!
g-- my room is so messy. I think I should clean up.
h-- I am getting off topic, I am supposed to be writing a slice of life!!!
i-- the phone is ringing again.
j-- someone answered it. that means I am not alone. good!
k-- ok, done. I finished!!! not the whole month, but just the day.

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